Odds and Sods

We talked about it before, but there are a lot of differences between the Queen's English and American English.   Take this little phrase for example, 'Odds and Sods'. 

In America we would say 'odds and ends' or 'bits and pieces'.

Whatever phrase you use, it all means the same thing; nothing of any value just a collection of miscellaneous things.

That's what happens when you begin learning a craft like my pottery project. You pass on all the good bits and are left with the odds and ends; the experiments, the accidents, and the things that went awry.  

So if you come 'round for tea, you may get served cookies from a wonky bowl but that's part of crafting.  You just have to get used to seeing all the odds and sods!


  1. Your crafted pottery is just beautiful! I like it very much - though you call it the odds and sods! Great forms and great colours!

    1. Thank you! I think I am finally beginning to get some nice shapes. Now to master the glaze!

  2. I think your odds and sods are just magnificent. I like te colours and I can't see what's wrong on it.

    1. Oh thanks! I don't show the truly horrible pieces. ; ) My new favourite colour is that turquoise. I'll be using more of that.

  3. Call it what you will, but what I'm seeing is eye-catching and lovely to behold. Odds and sods ... another British term for my vocabulary! Thanks for sharing.

    Sharon in Alabama

    1. Thanks, Sharon! Odds and sods is a good one, isn't it? I should start a list of quirky sayings and post more of them. : )

  4. I love these! Such simple, elegant shapes.

    1. Thank you! I feel as if I am beginning to understand how to do this, then I'll have a day when I can only make mud. Still, it's great fun just trying. : )

  5. Odds & sods is something we also use in South Africa - I love your bowls - the simple rustic shapes are lovely!

  6. Lovely post and I like the US take on British idioms! Glad you are enjoying your pottery - your work looks great.

  7. These look beautiful! I'm totally impressed! I'd like to place an order for an adorable red creamer and a gorgeous turquoise bowl with the little pouring spout. Love. ;)


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