The Allotment Ladies

I don't know why, but in the U.K. allotments are generally populated by mostly men.  I've seen it changing, gradually.  There are several husband and wife teams who have allotments directly behind my house.  There are even a few ladies who have allotments, but by and large it's a man's world at Hamilton Lane Allotments. 

The exception to the rule are the girls I call, the Allotment Ladies!

These gorgeous ladies are lovingly cared for by three gents, Allen, Arthur and Alan.  

As the sign says, the allotments are off limits to all but the allotment holders.  But Arthur was kind enough to let me come in, visit the girls and take some photos.  

I have never seen such well loved chickens.  Alan, Arthur and Allen dote on the ladies and have made them a HUGE chicken palace to live in. This is their day room.  They have a big shed and another enclosure with branches for roosting on at night.

They dine on a gourmet diet of fresh vegetables, corn, oats and all the slugs and snails they can hold.  On the menu in this photo was an organically grown cabbage!

They are beautiful chickens.  Just look at their lovely faces and bright eyes.

Lovely as they may be, chickens don't make very good photographic models.

They never stay still long enough to focus on them....

and you generally get more photos of fluffy bottoms than faces!  But they do have beautiful, feathery bottoms!  Happy hens lay delicious eggs and these girls are very productive.  They have been know to make a double yolk-er or two. 

Thanks to Arthur and the Allotment Ladies for welcoming me into their home.  I had a wonderful visit.  I hope you enjoyed meeting them, too.  


  1. what a lovely post, the girls are so gorgeous. We have 3 chickens in our garden, but no animals are permitted on or allotment :( x

    1. Thanks Cheryl! They are really beautiful ladies. I love hearing them early in the mornings, chatting to each other. I would love to have some chicks of my own but my garden isn't big enough. Fortunately, I can visit these sweeties. ; )

  2. They do look very well cared for and extremely pretty too. I know what you mean about being hopeless models - I've got loads of blurry photos and fluffy bottoms too!

    I love having my girls in the garden, they are a real joy.

  3. Thanks for visiting our blog. I've seen some of your lovely photos. If you say chickens are difficult for you to photograph then I don't feel so bad about the 146 pix of blurred chicken bottoms I took! : ) Enjoy your girls and give them a tickle for me. Debs

  4. No wonder those eggs taste good!
    Taking good care of and respecting your hens means they will be hppy and the eggs will be very high quality - I can see these hens are loved!

    Well done to the three As - you have lovely allotment neighbours.

    1. I am glad you stopped by to see the girls. I knew you would like them. I am VERY fortunate in my allotment neighbours and I appreciate them everyday! I'll pass on your complements to the gents. Thanks! Debs

  5. Oh, I'm so envious. Having chickens is a dream of mine!

  6. I am lucky, I get to enjoy the girls and the eggs without the responsibility. It's amazing how many people keep chickens or would love to keep them. Their owners are mad for them. I can understand why! : )

  7. Those hens are beutiful! There are so many cool things around your house! Do you like watching the hens eat?

    Love, Jessica ;D

    1. I love watching the hens eat. What I really like most is hearing them chat to each other. They 'speak' really softly and you can tell they are talking to each other. Then all of a sudden one will start clucking very loudly. I wonder if that's when they lay an egg or find something really tasty to eat like a fat bug!

      Love ya!,
      Aunt Debs X

  8. Those hens are so attractive. Do you get to sample their eggs? We weren't allowed to keep any animals on our old allotments, not even bees, so the Alans and Arthur are lucky men.

    1. I am lucky, too. Arthur gives me a half dozen eggs every once in a while. They are lovely! I was surprised when they said they could have chickens on the allotment. It all has to be approved by special request. I would think bees would be welcomed on the allotments. I'll have to suggest they try some hives next!


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