Very Busy Days

The next few days are going to be very busy ones.  Busy days are bad for blogging. However, I do have a couple of new garden photos to share with you.  

Have you noticed how the colours progress with the seasons?  Early spring is all yellow, full of primroses and daffodils.  Now pink and blue have become the dominate colour scheme. It must have something to do with the insects that feed on the flowers.  

I am sure there is an explanation for it all and when I have a bit more time, I might do some research into it.  But for now I am just going to enjoy the garden's pink and blue phase before getting back to work.  Thanks for being patient with me.  I hope to have more for you soon.


  1. Beautiful photos. I always think that May is such a lovely month for the garden.

  2. Lovely photos! I like the changing colours in nature!

    1. They sort of sneak up on you. One day it becomes obvious all the yellow is gone and the garden looks completely different. : )

  3. Yes, you're right - not much yellow anywhere now, apart from dandelions!

    1. Ah, the dreaded dandelions! We have a bumper crop of them this year.

    2. Deb, your garden is beautiful! You must spend a lot of time working on it.

  4. Deb, your garden is beautiful! You must devote a lot of your time to gardening. Do you and Andy spend time sitting outside and enjoying the fruits of your labors?

    1. Thank you! It's a very good little garden and waits patiently to be tended. I do a little gardening everyday but nothing too extreme. I just pull a week or two and water when needed. Andy isn't a garden person. The most time he spends is when he's mowing the lawn! : )


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