Slightly Soggy Sunday Morning Garden

I wake up early every morning...I mean, stupidly early, before the snails and slugs have a chance to slime their way back to their hiding places.  This is the back garden as I found it this morning slightly grey with a light mist still in the air.

Even Peter Rabbit looks a bit damp and bedraggled.

It seems that almost everything in bloom right now is blue or white.  

Except for the flowers that are coral or blush pink. 

It wasn't by design or forethought ... it just seemed to happen this way.

It may seem a bit bland and unexciting to those who prefer more vibrant colours but it will do just fine for me.  


  1. Not unexciting at all, every garden is different and every garden has it's own beauty. Are you also catching snails and slugs early in the morning or do you just enjoy the peace and quiet in the early hours of the new day? I love the latter.

    1. The cat and I do a gentle inspection and eviction of all 'slimies' then we have a quiet cup of tea before anyone else is awake.

  2. Sounds pretty perfect to me, quite serene xx

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. That's how it makes me feel, very happy too. : )x

  3. There is something wonderfully calm and restful about being up before anyone else. When I worked in an office, I used to enjoy the hour or so of quiet before the bustle. And I love vibrant colours, but I do like blue and white. This garden at RHS Hampton last year had beautiful blue and white planting:

    1. What a beautiful garden! I find my garden has different dominant colours for different seasons. Spring is very yellow, pink, and mauve. As summer comes on the colours change towards white, blue, and blush roses.

  4. Those early hours are mine, to be treasured before the rest of the house kicks off. It's hard to keep them quiet, though, to not try to get work done. Just a cuppa and the stillness. Yours sound quite right.


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