Beans and Flowers for Cutting

Today is the 4th of July - not that it means anything special here in Devon. When I was a kid it was a big deal, Independence Day, one of the few times when my parents would host what we would consider to be a party. They would fire up the Bar-B-Q, make homemade ice cream, slice a big watermelon, and invite the neighbours over to our BIG back garden to watch the fireworks.  As a child, this was almost as good as Christmas... almost.  

I often feel a little nostalgic on the 4th.  It was always a big 'family day' for us. The plants in the allotment also are reminding me of days gone by and family members who are no longer with us. The vegetables remind me of my great-aunt and great-uncle who kept the most immaculate gardens and grew Sugar Baby watermelons just for me!

I planted zinnias in memory of my grandmother Lessie.  She always grew her vegetables in great beds bordered by colourful zinnias.  Most of my family 'gardened' and each plant and flower fuel a memory.  I think it is true of most people's gardens.  So I'll cut sweet peas, collect some beans, and remember all those who shared those special Independence Days with me.  Of course, there won't be any fireworks tonight... not in DEVON!  
