Toast Crumbs, a Little Rant

Have you noticed that in today's world one task always leads to about four others?  This morning, as I was making breakfast, I noticed the toaster was tossing out crumbs on the counter.  'I must give that a quick clear out', I thought to myself.

Now, I will admit, I don't de-crumb the toaster as often as I should BUT nobody else in the house does it either.  It isn't high on our list of priorities.  Anyway... I carried the toaster over to the sink leaving a trail of crumbs that Hansel and Gretel could have used to navigate out of the deepest forest.  Crumbs covered the counter tops,  made the kitchen floor crunchy, and practically blocked the sink.  I looked down to see the cat was crumb coated, even my dressing gown pocket was full of desiccated toast dust.  Swearing under my breath, because you can't help but swear when you've made a BIG mess for yourself before six thirty in the morning, I shook the life out of the toaster, dusted the crumb trays, and cleaned the surface before not too gently lobbing the appliance back into place on the counter.  

I could go on to tell you how I had to unblock the kitchen sink, vacuum and mop the floor,  and launder my dressing gown but I need to cut a long rant short and you can imagine the scene without me describing it.  The moral of the story is be careful of the LITTLE task you thoughtlessly take on at breakfast, it will most certainly lead to at least two more.  

As for the crumb coated cat,  he is still a little crunchy around the edges. 


  1. I know exactly what you mean! :)

    1. One of those jobs that is so easy to forget... or ... ignore. : D

  2. Your kitty thought he was having snacks every time he groomed himself that day. When I remember to de-crumb the toaster (usually when it starts smelling a bit scorchy in here, when the toast isn't even beige yet) I move the kitchen garbage can over right in front of the counter where the toaster sits. I very carefully, slowly, like I was handling an unexploded crumb grenade, move it to the edge of the counter, and then over the garbage can, and then pull on the little trap door knob and the crumbs pour down. I knock it a few times against the trash can and wipe down the crumb tray. I then very carefully, in case some crumbs are still lurking in there, place it back in its place on the counter. It can be a really messy job if I don't take my time doing it .

    1. I like your technique , especially the 'unexploded grenade' hold. I was going at it all slap dash which is never a good idea under any circumstances. In future I will follow your example. ; D

  3. These are the jobs you never think to do, but always make you wish you had...

    1. So true! There are many household chores like that. Perhaps I need to draw up a chart like we did at school when I was a nipper. : D


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