Sydney the Sourdough Starter

Several days ago, on a whim, I decided to try to make my own SOURDOUGH STARTER .   I was doubtful about my chances for success but after about 48 hours things began to happen.   The first thing I noticed was an 'interesting' smell, something between bad apples and vinegar.  It wasn't awful but not very fragrant either.

Undaunted I fed Sydney, yes the sourdough starter has a name, turned off the kitchen lights and went to bed.  The next morning Sydney smelled of apple cider (which I like very much)  and he was making little bubbles!  My confidence grew and so did Sydney.

Everyday for a week I fed Sydney.  He grew bigger and stronger and smelled better.  One night, while everyone was asleep, Sydney decided his jar was a little claustrophobic.  Feeling brave and strong, he squeezed out of the small space around the lid of his jar and escaped to the kitchen counter.  The next morning I found a sticky puddle of Sydney and responded to his peripatetic behaviour by dividing him in half!  Now we have two starters, Sydney and Sheldon!

I've decided if this sourdough starter is strong enough to make a bid for freedom, it's strong enough to make a dough rise.  A loaf of Sheldon is in a warm bowl rising right now.  Stay tuned for the continuing sourdough saga and see what happens next!


  1. Sydney looks very promising and much better than the sourdough I started a couple of months ago, which took ages to get going. Looking forward to seeing your finished loaf.

    1. Keep your fingers crossed and hope this works! : )

  2. The one time I tried this the resulting bread was absolutely gorgeous. The only trouble was that in my enthusiasm I used al of the starter in one loaf and couldn't face starting again ...

    1. I saved a bit of starter but am worried Sydney may starve if I forget to feed him. Sourdough is more complicated than just opening a packet of dried yeast. : )


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