Sanding and Painting - DIY

This weekend is going to be a busy one, so there won't be any time to bake cookies or cakes for Sunday afternoon tea.  There probably won't be a Sunday afternoon tea. We are doing some DIY.  

So, until the sanding and painting are done and I have an opportunity to prepare the next post, I am leaving you with a few photos of the beautiful apple blossom in our garden.

The little espaliered apple trees are almost in full bloom.  

Did you know that apples are part of the rose family?  If you look closely you can see how similar the apple blossoms are to wild rose flowers.  

But this isn't getting the painting done.... so I must get busy.   

Hope to see you again SOON!  


  1. Beautiful blossom! Enjoy your D.I.Y.

    1. Thanks! : ) We are making good progress. It's amazing what a coat of fresh paint can do.

  2. So pretty :) Hope the DIY's going well!

    1. Thanks! : ) As with most things, getting started is the hardest part. Don't tell anyone, but I quite like painting.

  3. Beautiful, your blooming appletree! And do some nice painting ... ;-)

    1. I hope we have as good a crop of apples as last year! It looks promising! : ) As for painting, I usually have as much paint on my clothes as the walls!


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