
Now here's a sad fact for you, I haven't made Cinnamon Rolls since I've lived in Britain!  Today I decided to mend my ways and bake a batch.  Fortunately, baking cinnamon rolls is like riding a bicycle.  Once you learn how you never forget!

I made one change.  I used the giant muffin tin my Mum-n-Law gave me to make individual cinnamon buns. Oh, and I made a half batch of the dough.  I have no self control when it comes to cinnamon rolls!

I made paper liners by cutting 7 inch square pieces of greaseproof paper.  You can see the complete 'how to's'  by clicking HERE   You can always bake your cinnamon rolls in a greased 9x13 inch baking pan if you don't want individual buns.  

Now to the really important part, the ingredients! 
This recipe will make 12 Cin-a-Buns.

For the dough you need:
1 cup warm milk
2 eggs - room temperature
1/3 cup butter or margarine - melted
1/2 cup sugar
2 1/2 teaspoon dried yeast (one sachet)
1 teaspoon salt
4 1/2 cups bread flour 

Place the yeast and sugar into a large bowl.  Stir in the milk, eggs, melted butter and salt.   Add the flour, one cup at a time, stirring to make a stiff dough.   Reserve the last  1/2 cup of flour for kneading. Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and knead until smooth.  Place the kneaded dough back into the mixing bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise until it has doubled in size. This will probably take at least an hour or two.

For the filling you need:
1 cup soft brown sugar and 2 1/2 Tablespoons ground cinnamon mixed together
1/3 cup butter - softened

When the dough has risen, dust your work surface with a little bit of flour and roll out the dough into a rectangle  (about 16x21 inches).  Spread the softened butter over the dough. Sprinkle over the cinnamon sugar mixture and roll the dough up into a long sausage shape.  Slice the dough into 12 even pieces.  I  saved a bit of the cinnamon sugar mix and dredged the cut ends of the rolls to make them look pretty.

Place the sliced rolls into their paper liners and set them in a warm place to double in size again.  Bake the rolls for about 15 - 20 minutes at 350F/180C.  Let the Cin-a-Buns cool while you prepare the frosting.

Now here is the really yummy part, the cream cheese frosting.  

For the frosting:
3 ounces cream cheese 
1/4 cup butter - softened
1 1/2 cup icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Mix the cream cheese and butter together.  Beat in the icing sugar and vanilla.  

Now this is really important, spread the cream cheese frosting over the cinnamon rolls while they are still warm.  Serve immediately and enjoy!


  1. These look delicious and dangerous!! One would not be enough...

    1. They are massive but hubby managed to eat one in about five minutes flat! I am saving mine for breakfast. : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love cinnamon! There are always some sticks of cinnamon in our kitchen to be grounded freshly, when needed. Hmmmmm!
    By the way: this kind of shape like your delicious looking buns have, is called "Schnecke" = snail in Germnan :-)

    1. I like that, Schnecke. They should be called Schnecke Buns! : )

  4. I’ve tagged you in my site !!

  5. Hello, I've just found your blog and love the recipes and photos. These buns look delicious - think I will have to give them a go!

    1. Hi and welcome! I am so pleased you like the blog. It gets a little bit random sometimes but enjoy writing it. I hope you try some of the recipes and that you like them. Thanks for visiting me and please, come back soon!

  6. Two words: yes please!
    Love them with and without the glaze.

    1. Hubby, who is guinea pig and critic, said he would like to try them without the icing next time. I would never have imagined them without the frosting but in the name of science, I will make a frosting free batch next time.

  7. mmm they look great. I'm a big fan of Nigella's cinammon buns. Never thought of making them in individual muffin cases like that - I normally make them in a roasting tin, and they all squodge together. Heaven. I've never done the frosting though someone suggested that to me the last time I made them. May be next time...

    1. I usually make cinnamon rolls in one big pan but I felt like experimenting. Sometimes it's fun just to do things a little differently. : ) I must give Nigella's recipe a try. Thanks for the lovely comments!

  8. They look absolutely fabulous Debs, now just how many of them did you eat whilst they were still warm? At least 2 if it were me!


    1. Thanks, Angela! : ) I only ate one. Each roll was MASSIVE because I used one of those BIG muffin tins. However, hubby ate one in record time so he must have enjoyed it.

  9. These look delicious, never seen them before great photos too

    1. Thank you! : )Cinnamon rolls are a common breakfast treat in the States. There is even a chain of stores that only sell cinnamon rolls called Cinnabon. They have even opened a store in London!

  10. Ooh these look so good and the individual ones (rather than pull apart) are actually much easier to transport and serve, and look more enticing too I think. Good on you for making a half batch - they are far too addictive!!

    1. Thank you! : ) I have a thing for individual servings, like little tarts and cupcakes. You are right, sometimes they do look more enticing.

  11. I am a cinnamon FREAK. And I absolutely adore cinnamon buns (made some on my blog recently). Have had Cinnabons in Cananda (I think they pump train stations with the scent of them!) but never made them at home. These look yummy!

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment! These have three of the best things ever, cinnamon, sweet bread and cream cheese frosting. : ) What's not to love?

  12. Those look yummy! And I love your muffin tin! What brand is it?

    1. I think it came from Lakeland. Had it for ages!


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